Thursday, May 17, 2012

Fruits and Veggies

The theme on The Sketchbook Challenge is "Fruits and Veggies."  You can click on TSC name to go to the blog and see what the other artists have posted for the month of May.  There is some pretty incredible art going on there.

and I have to admit, that I have never drawn fruit or veggies, so this was a complete challenge for me.  I got out an encyclopedia, and yes, we still have these in our house, and they are great reference books.  World Book, circa 80's.
I have a fondness for manila tags, so they were the obvious choice for my drawings. These were drawn with a Sharpie Fine Point pen and painted with watercolors.  Kinda simple and fun!

1 comment:

  1. We have those same World Book Encyclopedias at our house. :-) And I think this craft is one I could actually do! So cute. :-)


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