Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Retirement Gift

Our Library Services Director extraordinaire, Nora Jacob, of the Orange Public Library & History Center in Orange, CA is retiring. The Cut-Loose Quilters worked with Nora Jacob to create three works of art that hang on the wall in the childrens section of the library were presented in 2007 "Adventures Start Here." The mural like piece just below the roof of the library in the above quilt is the center quilt in the library. Characters from the side panels are seen in the lower windows. A dog from Peggy Calvert's section and a mermaid from mine are on the 2nd story.
Here is a detail of our library portion of the quilt.
Made by Peggy Calvert and me and presented to Nora tonight.


  1. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Jamie...this is wonderful...love the colors and whimsy of it ..... Very nice.. Laura

  2. Love this! Our library and librarians are real treasures. You've paid a wonderful tribute to yours!

  3. Jamie, what a fabulous gift! Your library (and librarian) are lucky to have you as a patron and friend.


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