Thursday, November 12, 2009


I am gathering my embellishments for my next "heavy metal" series piece. On the right hand side, I am knitting fine aluminum wire, then flattening in a book, that I will later sew onto my piece. My first piece in this series is the next post down.


  1. Knitting metal, very cool!

  2. Sitting there as they are those snaps look like so many little faces!

  3. Oooo, the knitted wire looks really interesting!

  4. Knitting wire is interesting and it makes really kewl bracelets, hadn't thought about embellishing a quilt with it, great idea.

  5. Love the knit wire - I saw a show of printing with knitting and tried it on gelatin blocks, but adding the metal fabric to a quilt is a novel idea. You could also string glass or metal beads on the wire before it is knit to add an extra embellishment ot the embellishment...


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