Saturday, August 02, 2014

Rebel Quilting with Stencils Class

Teaching in Mount Vernon, Washington!  Me, my house host, Opal Cocke and Class Organizer, Stephanie Davis
Saturday - Rebel Quilting with Stencils.  No batting, no binding, just fun!
  National Nonwovens provided the felt for this class #TOY002 is the number on the bolt - it's 20% wool. This is what I use in all of my quilts for the foundation and backing.  We used Mistyfuse to fuse all of the fabrics with a Goddess Sheet.
I brought a large collection of StencilGirl stencils, including some of my own designs for the class to use

Doesn't this look like fun?  We used Jacquard Textile Paint in black.  I provided the stencils for everyone to use and the paint/brushes.

It was fun to see what everyone used for their designs and their fabric choices

Calico Creations is the name of the quilting store, with the amazing classroom.  I did try to help their economy buy purchasing some fabric for my stash, and they were having a sale!  Woot!

This is from a building across the street from the store.  I thought it was pretty cool.
The tables were joined together in the back of the room and covered with butcher paper.  Everyone helped to clean the stencils with Simple Green after this portion of the class was completed.

Everyone is busy putting their small quilts together.  I love how much space there was in this classroom!  The students were ready to think outside the box and create some great pieces of art, in their own style!
Fabrics were pre-fused with Mistyfuse before painting with stencils

Waiting for paint to dry.  We had a delicious lunch of veggie lasagna, salad, and cookies!

Every person in this class was so wonderful, easy to work with, fun - and they really made it so easy for me to teach!  Frankly, I had the time of my life with these women!

I had foot surgery 2 weeks before this class, so at times, I sat with my foot up on a chair.  Here is my view of everyone hard at work, playing with paint and stencils.
Each student, including me, had one of these cute bags (made with my fabric line) at their place at the table - made by Stephanie Davis!  It has a clear pocket on the front with buttons in it, and note pad with my name on it, and fun trims and a small bottle of bubbles inside.  What could be more fun and whimsical?  So thoughtful, generous and creative!

The class projects - Awesome!  You can click on this picture to see it larger!   ...stay tuned for the next class project.


  1. What a fun, colorful class! I love your new stencils.

  2. Looks like it was a lot of fun!

  3. Rebel Quilting with Stencils sounds like such a creative and inspiring class! Speaking of smart moves, if you're looking to make your money work harder, check out Smart Investments—we offer expert guidance to help you grow your financial future while you pursue your passions!


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